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Logical Aesthetics


Zhong Yi was invited as a visiting professor, Zhang Xingzhi was late on the first day of work...
He looked at the new teacher as he entered and said that he was late and insisted on sitting in the first row and he heard him say:

“You, don’t leave after class.”

The whole class went silent, and everyone turned their attention to their original professional teacher who was occupying the first row. One thing was inevitable.

Until later, the new teacher arranged classwork: He asked them to send a picture that they thought was the best.

The children were about to start looking, when they heard their professional teacher ask, “What about me?”

The class calmed down again.
Zhong Yi raised an eyebrow: “You send it, I’ll take a look.”

All eyes looked down, as he raised the phone and pressed the shutter and took a picture of the person on the podium.
The whole class:  "???"

[f*ck, even if you love the new teacher and don’t love Dean Jiang, why are you still doing a big dull job and robbing us of our only perfect answer! ]
(PS.- Description taken from JJWXC)

Release Schedule:5 AM PST everyday.

PS: I'm re-editing the initial chapters and it will take some time so please be patient and hope I can do a better job at it.Please leave a comment if you have any suggestions.

Re edited Chapter Status: Chapter 12 updated on 14th May.

Translator Notes: Hey I'm Vee,please don't post these translations anywhere else.As it needs a lot of time and effort to keep posting these chapters.If you have any other recommendations for any short novels feel free to comment.
Happy Reading!!


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