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Hi There,

I am just another BL novel fan who loves reading. After a while I figured that there were still many hidden gems that were not brought to light because of the language barrier. So I thought of taking up this challenge even though it's not easy and very time consuming. I am not a native Chinese speaker and can only rely on the support of online translators. I try MTLing the chapters one by one , line by line and try to make the best translations and try to make the most sense out of it.
I know my translations are not the best and I am trying to learn and re-edit pages as I go forward. Hope you guys like my effort and would really appreciate it if you would take the time to make any recommendations or help me correct any errors.

Hoping to bring a smile on your face.

Happy Reading!

-Vee :)

@ me  
Artist's Instagram- @meluyo_99


  1. You're so sweet ٩(๑´` 3``` ๑)۶💚 thanks for your efforts; I appreciate it!
    I will be reading here, thanks.
    ๑ 乛 ◡ 乛 ๑


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