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Logical Aesthetics Chapter 69

Chapter 69

<<"Don't get out of bed tomorrow.">>

    At noon that day after the break, he began to assign the personnel to take the cable car down the mountain and Zhang Xingzhi was still embarrassed.

    Zhong Yi didn't say a word, just sat in the seat and watched Zhang Xingzhi arrange the order for everyone. Finally, Zheng Qi was ready to get up and leave. He couldn't rest assured, only to see Teacher Zhong beside him and his old Zhang who hadn't been angry. , Carefully asked: "Mr. Zhong, do you still need my help?"

    "Yes, of course." Zhong Yi said and reached out to the child.

    Facing their old Zhang's gaze, Zheng Qi felt his scalp tingling. When he held Teacher Zhong's hand, he didn't dare to look at Teacher Zhang's face. What time do you hold?

    Zhong Yi closed his eyes and knew that the little ones in Zhang Xingzhi's heart just wanted to see if his feet were pretending.

    Sure enough, he had just stepped away from the position a few times after Zheng Qi held his hand, and someone's hand appeared on his waist. A low voice circled above his head, and said to Zheng Qi, "Go, let me help him."

    Zheng Qi didn’t dare to wait for a second, so he changed his hand and stuffed Zhong Yi ’s hand with him. He also consciously snatched the trekking pole from his hands and said that he would help him take it, so that he could help Zhong Yi..

    "You can't walk?" Zhang Xingzhi frowned and asked him in his arms.

    Zhang Xingzhi was too tall, and even if he bent Zhong Yi, he would not able to get on his shoulders. He could only hold the waist with one hand and hold the hand with the other.

    Zhong Yi: "Then you have to return the trekking pole to me, and then you can leave."

    Zhang Xingzhi's eyebrows tightened, and Zhong Yi's feet didn't make the energy to make it look like fake. After thinking for a long time, he only squeezed out a sentence: "Don't get out of bed tomorrow."

    As a result, Zhong Yi immediately raised an eyebrow, leaned his head close to someone's ear and laughed: "Then you have to accompany me in bed tonight."

    Zhang Xingzhi didn't speak anymore, so he stretched his face to help him continue to move forward.

    "Are you still angry?" Zhong Yi moved his arm and bumped him, said, "Then if you will not accompany me, I will accompany you, I will accompany you tonight until I can't get out of bed?"

    Zhang Xingzhi still didn't speak, but he didn't know that his red ear tip had already revealed his thoughts, making Zhong Yi feel more and more cute.

    It's really those two words were rare.

    Four people were in a cable car, and 29 students had moved to sleep again—one more with Zhang Xingzhi and Zhong Yi with one.

    All the children turned their eyes to Wang Siheng, but Wang Siheng learned wisely this time, turned his head and rushed to the edge of the staff responsible for arranging the cable car for everyone. This time, he refused to go to the thief of their two teachers and let him take a separate one.

    He could go to the next door when he was in trouble, if the cable car suspected that he was in trouble, Lao Zhang could not directly open the door to kick him off the cable car?

    As a result, Zhong Yi also said, "Your teacher Zhang is still angry with me. He is very embarrassed to help me now. I don't think he wants to take a car with me, or you three of Fang Lu, Li Jiang and Wang Siheng will accompany me. It's not difficult for Teacher Zhang. "

    As soon as this remark came out, everyone's eyes turned to their old Zhang, hoping that he would cherish the opportunity and speak carefully.

    Another multiple-choice question was given.

    Or take the cable car with him and admit that he's gone. If he wanted to show that he was still angry, go with the students.

    Before Zhang Xingzhi spoke, everyone who hadn't really seen the plank road thought it was a multiple-choice question.

    Until their old Zhang: "You sit with Teacher Zhong."

    The whole class was stunned. Why did it come true?

    Isn’t the cable car scenery good enough, or is Teacher Zhong not enough, really not going to sit together?

    "Lao Zhang was really angry?" Until he got on the cable car, Wang Siheng still didn't respond. "As for, don't you just come up to the mountain and find a trip ..."

    Fang Lu, who was sitting next to him, asked Zhong Yi with a little curiosity and asked, "What did you mean by the boardwalk, is it breathtaking?"

    Zhong Yi had seen the scenery of Youdao Mountain before coming up but going down the mountain was another flavor.

    He looked at the mountains, rivers and waters outside the window with a smile and described to the three people: "It is a plank road built along the mountain, about two arms wide?"

    Li Jiang stretched his arms and felt it for a moment, then startled: "Just that wide?"

    Zhong Yi glanced and blinked his head and nodded: "There is only one iron cable below the waistline."

    All three were dumbfounded: "Then you came up from above with your cane alone ??"

    "Well." Zhong Yi has put his eyes back out of the window, looking down from his angle, just to see the back of Zhang Xingzhi in the previous cable car.

    The three children were suddenly silent.

    It was the honest man Li Jiang who was sitting beside Zhong Yi who said first: "Then old Zhang should be angry."

    Wang Siheng slowly echoed: "And it's just a matter of thinking."

    Fang Lu added: "Remember to remember it next time.

    But Zhong Yi only said: "Are you going to fail me at the end of the semester? One or two glared at them, don't look at the window to see anything at all?"

    After getting off the cable car, Zhang Xingzhi looked at Wang Siheng who was holding Zhong Yi down on the last cable car. His face was still green, and Wang Siheng was screaming in his heart. The three of them just had to fight for the teacher who helped Zhong Yi. No one wanted to hit Lao Zhang's muzzle at this juncture.

    Finally, Fang Lu said it anyways, Wang Siheng's thief's heart knows everyone, there is no need to do unnecessary struggles, and sacrifice one more in vain.

    When Master Zuo dragged everyone back to the hotel, Zhang Xingzhi straddled his face and stood in the middle of the aisle of the seat to give the students instructions for free activities.

    "Today is Thursday, and our return time is on Sunday. Master Zuo's bus will stop at the door of the hotel on Sunday morning at 5:00 am. Everyone will have reasonable time,  to pack things in advance, set an alarm, and don't be late. "

    The class: "Ah ... gather at five in the morning ..."

    Zhang Xingzhi: "Whoever arrives late and stays behind."

    The whole class: "Good !!!"

    "Since you waited to get off this bus, it was your free time. My phone will not shut down for 24 hours. I need to be sent messages about minor incidents and made calls on major incidents. Wang Siheng send my mobile phone number to the class again."

    Zhang Xingzhi: "Pay attention to personal safety, pay attention to property safety. If you lose something or are injured for any reason, call me."

    The whole class: ... Is it not enough to lose something and get hurt?

    Zhang Xingzhi swept them and asked them: "Is everything clear?"

    Fully to see the angry people of Lao Zhang: "Clear !!!"

    Zhang Xingzhi: "Finally, once again, don't go beyond the map I have given you in the app. There is everything food, clothing, accommodation, and transportation. If you go beyond the scope, I will get reminders here, who ..."

    "Whoever surpasses the subject!"

    This time, before Zhang Xingzhi finished his speech, the children helped to make up in unison. Zhong Yi and Master Zuo laughed straight ahead.

    Later, Zhang Xingzhi didn't pay attention to Zhong Yi all along the way home, that is, he was hard-hearted no matter what Zhong Yi said, even on the plank road, Zhong Yi suggested in his ear what position they should use that evening.

    Zhang Xingzhi thought that his grandma would be playing cards outside, but when they went back, they just happened to see the old lady serving food at the table.

    Seeing the two of them returning, the old lady didn't have any good looks, and as she sat opposite Zhong Yi, she instructed Zhang Xingzhi to get the plate at the end.

    Before leaving, Zhang Xingzhi took a subconscious look at Zhong Yi. When he looked at him, Zhong Yi was also looking at him.

    When he walked away, there were only Zhong Yi and the old lady left.

    The old lady didn't hide either: "I also blame myself for letting you go down the mountain alone and lose my temper with me."

    The only thing Zhong Yi could say now was only one sentence: "I have nothing else to give you back."

    On today's table were three dishes and one soup, one green vegetable, one fried meat, and one boiled stew. The clear soup was covered with green leaves of the same paragraph, and the taste was surprisingly refreshing.

    The first day when Zhong Yi came to Zhang Xingzhi’ s house. The old lady had always given the specifications of four dishes and two soups. Anyway, there were a lot of things that he didn't know. Zhong Yi simply didn't ask the name of the dish. Once the specifications fell.

    Zhang Xingzhi felt that his grandma was still mad, but in fact Zhong Yi had long wanted to say that his meal was just in front of Zhang Xingzhi to feed the cat, he couldn't eat much at all, there was no need to prepare so much every day.

    At a table, two people had a common mind in their hearts. At the moment, three people were hiding six careful thoughts, and no one was chatting. Everyone was eating silently, but the atmosphere is strange.

    Zhong Yi also disappeared this time and put down the chopsticks quietly after eating.

    As soon as he saw him, Zhang Xingzhi was inhaling a storm of wind, then put down the bowl and chopsticks and said, "I'm full, too, grandma, please wait for me to do the dishes, I will take Zhong Yi to take a bath."

    With that said, Zhang Xingzhi was ready to help Zhong Yi and take him to the backyard, and he heard the old lady speak: "stomach drooping."

    They both had a meal, and Zhong Yi was still out of the situation. Only Zhang Xingzhi said, "Then I'll take him to my side and walk around."

    Zhong Yi: "?"

    Did not understand.

    It was when he walked to the backyard that Zhang Xingzhi explained to him: "After eating a meal, if you take a bath, it is easy for your stomach to sag."

    Zhong Yi digested for a few seconds before reacting. The old lady was just caring about him, but now he wanted to do more, and still ridiculed Zhang Xingzhi.

    Zhong Yi laughed and said, "How are you willing to talk to me now? You didn't bother if I died before."

    Then Zhang Xingzhi was dumb again. He only watched the road and walked during the whole journey, and he didn't dare to look at Zhong Yi.

    He was afraid that he couldn't stand it or what, Zhong Yi was really happy, and he didn't see which room Zhang Xingzhi took him to take a walk, and pierced the person for a second: "Why are you so afraid to talk to me, afraid of yourself to speak? "

    Zhang Xing paused: "No."

    Zhong Yi's lips: "Then you ... help me take a shower today?"

    Zhang Xingzhi: "No need."

    "Why?" Zhong Yi glanced at his feet. "It's inconvenient."

    "You just hurt your feet, did not break your hand." Zhang Xingzhi immediately returned the words that Zhong Yi rejected him yesterday. "It was possible to get hot water today."

    But Zhong Yi also learned from Zhang Xingzhi's study yesterday, and changed his words quickly: "Then I can help you?"

    Zhang Xingzhi again: "No."

    Zhong Yi raised an eyebrow: "Really?"

    Zhang Xingzhi: "Yes."

    Zhong Yi: "Don't I let you shave my pubic hair?"

    Zhang Xingzhi: "No ... eh?"

                                          👈                            👉  


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