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Logical Aesthetics Chapter 88

Chapter 88

<<"No one knows Zhong Yi better than me, including himself.">>


    On that morning at 1977, in fact, Liang Sili didn't think that he could take such a lightly understated gesture as if he really had no thoughts about Zhong Yi. He relaxed to plan to help Zhang Xingzhi.


    After sitting down, he threw two questions to Zhang Xingzhi, about understanding Zhong Yi and about understanding himself.


    Unsurprisingly, Zhang Xingzhi couldn't answer any of them.


    However, both of them knew that the reason for not being able to answer was not because they did not really understand, but because the word "understand" was inaccurate.


    Zhang Xingzhi frowned in contradiction, saying that Zhong Yi was a joke, because Zhong Yi had so much past that he had never been involved in. Even Leo knew more than him, in more detail than him, how could he talk about understanding.


    At most he tried to understand Zhong Yi, even if Zhong Yi did nothing he would not be surprised.


    In turn, he clearly knew himself, but now suddenly he couldn't understand himself, how could there be so many impulses like his coming out of his mind. Including things like asking Leo clearly about what he wanted to tell about Zhong Yi to him.


    "It's tough isn’t it?" Looking at stern expression on Zhang Xingzhi before him. Liang Sili spoke: "I just can't take the pain of it. It was only on that day that I went in to look for you and let you take the drunk Zhong Yi home."


    Zhang Xingzhi froze and immediately remembered the night of the principal's birthday banquet from Liang Sili's words.


    Thinking of the two previous questions, Zhang Xingzhi originally thought that Liang Sili would be the same as Leo, Dean Jiang and the others, but he seemed like.... quite the opposite?


    Liang Sili got straight to the point and lifted his wine glass, "If you really like Zhong Yi, just do as I say." 

Zhang Xingzhi didn't say anything.


    Liang Sili just leaned on the back of the chair and poured all the whiskey in his hand into his stomach: "Believe it or not."


    What do those people in the circle think he was relying on to squeeze the two savvy brothers above him, and what was he relying on to keep Zhong Yi? Was it really the so-called interest exchange?


    Even if he and Zhong Yi cannot be eternal friends, the exchange of interests was a joke.


    "No one knows Zhong Yi better than me, including himself." When he said this, Liang Sili stared at Zhang Xingzhi, his eyes flashed with self-confidence, very different from normal times. Only a few words can express his great confidence, which could convince anyone.


   Zhang Xingzhi then paused: "So are you planning to help me now?"


    He was mentally prepared for Liang Sili's "true face". Everything was fair and any success will not come by mistake. Liang Sili was sitting in that position and must have his own reason.


    "I'm helping you just because you are on the same side as my interests for the time being." Liang Sili found another trace of laughter on the calm face, not hiding at all, "Although I am not willing to tell you, but I do have to admit that Zhong Yi has been considering giving up on you. "


    "If he decides to give up now, I will lose a lot of money, not only me, but many people will lose a lot of money. Zhong Yi's reputation will be affected and Zhong Yi will be affected as well which means that I and Ladbrokes will be affected."


    "But if he waits until you pick up the camera and then he regrets the last second before the shooting, I will lose more." Liang Sili helped Zhang Xingzhi pour water into his glass and concluded, "So when I help you, it means I’m helping myself. "


    Undoubtedly, Liang Sili knew early on that Zhang Xingzhi would fall into this situation today. From the day he saw Zhang Xingzhi couldn't stop him from looking for it, he knew it from the evening when he came out of the venue.


Restraint must be momentary, and as long as the like lasted, the possessiveness would last.


    Zhang Xingzhi silently drank the watered-down whiskey in his hand, making sure to say: "Do you want me to take the initiative?"


    "It's useless to take the initiative. There are too many people who take the initiative to him." Liang Sili lowered his eyes: "But not many people can make him do multiple choice questions. How he usually forces you to do it, but you can force him to do it."


    No matter who it was, Zhong Yi must have asked the other party to do a multiple-choice question, just like a ritual to confirm that he could control the situation.


Liang Sili: "If you don't push him, he can't really give you a reaction."


    Since that day, Zhang Xingzhi had been hesitating.


He knew in his heart that the method that Liang Si Li told him was right, because they both knew that the key issue was not Zou Chao at all. It was just that this trial was to really force Zhong Yi to give him a sentence so that there was no room to wiggle at all, so he couldn't take it.


    The thing that really made Zhang Xingzhi make up his mind was the situation that Zhou Rui had told him about his little boyfriend.


    -"I obviously let him go out and play, but when I saw him go out looking for someone, I felt uncomfortable again"


    -"I'm so angry"


    -"I'm so mad that I can't find it enough to play with my little brother for a few days"


    -"Ah ... Lao Zhang, do you think I'm sick? I feel like I'm hopeless"


    Zhang Xingzhi thought of himself and Zhong Yi instantly.


    Apparently, it was okay for him to tell Zhong Yi that he would not care, but in the end he felt uncomfortable and wanted to get more, it was him.


    -"Then tell him, you don't want him to go out"


    Zhou Rui replied quickly.


    -"Won't I hit my own face ???"


    -"And so, is it just me? Should I go out and find someone?"


    Zhang Xing paused.


    -"Then you won't go out to find others"




    -"Why is this awesome! Half a year of abstinence, I am going to suffocate !!"


    Sure enough, his situation was anyways similar, or Liang Sili was right.


    Zhang Xingzhi thought that it was not realistic to make Zhou Rui tolerate half a year. The probability was just like that he can let Zhong Yi agree to fall in love with him now.


    But he replied.


    -"Try it first"


    Zhou Rui encouraged himself.


    After Zhang Xingzhi sent these two words, he opened Zhong Yi's message box and entered.


    -"Are you free tomorrow night"


    That day he asked Liang Sili why he didn't come by himself since he knew Zhong Yi so well.


    After all, they knew each other for ten years. If Liang Sili did not like Zhong Yi, only Leo would believe in that.


    But Liang Sili said: "Because I am not like you and Zhong Yi, I have no spirit of inquiry and even less curiosity. If there is question a before me. If I know that he will be bitter, I will probably not try it."


    Stopping losses in time is the best way to protect yourself.


    He didn't know Zhang Xingzhi’ s current doubts about "tolerance" and "request". He never believed those who said love was restrained, but he didn't want to know the exact answer at all, because it was too hard.


    Don't look at him like this, he just didn't tell others, in fact, he also read Nietzsche.


    Zhong Yi and Zhang Xingzhi knew that if they want happiness, they must accept the misfortune. He was the one who feared misfortune and chose to give up happiness.


    It was Nietzsche being a coward who abandoned his desire.


    At least Liang Sili had so far thought it was good to be a coward. He had lost a few hairs and hadn't had much trouble.




    At the appointed time, Zhong Yi strolled slowly from the crew to Zhang Xingzhi’ s house.


    Zou Chao was pushed away by him, not to mention those messy meals, Liang Sili couldn't go wrong.


    Although it was about 8 o'clock in the evening, Zhong Yi subconsciously felt that he could have dinner at Zhang Xingzhi's house, and the corners of his mouth in the taxi were all upright, he was in a good mood.


    He later gradually understood why he liked to stay with Zhang Xingzhi, because the biggest difference between seeing him and other people was that Zhang Xingzhi's interaction with his circle was close to zero and he could not get along with him at all. Those things that pressed against him like mountains all the time were what made him very comfortable.


    Except that sometimes he felt bored and needed his attention and observation.


    That day, as soon as he heard about the school's situation from Yang Youan, Zhong Yi went to look for Osta.


    Previously about Zhang Xingzhi’ s reissue award, Hot Flow had only posted an announcement on their extranet's official account.


    The reason for this was that because it was a very simple thing to do, but it was also a very important thing to do.


    Zhong Yi's request was very simple. Let them immediately register and certify a popular official blog, and then move in the former cause and effect of Zhang Xingzhi and send it again. Meanwhile, he found a few official media personnel to forward a report, and even the hot search was eliminated.


    After the matter is completed, not only will the hot stream owe him and Zhong Yi will smoothly get BOG's co-hosting rights as a producer to pack a good arrangement, and they will not bother him again.


  Everything was ready, he was just waiting for tonight to tell Zhang Xingzhi that he need not bother about this matter anymore, and he knew that Candy's small brain could not handle such things.


But when he arrived at Zhang Xingzhi’ s door, he found that the man was not standing at the door waiting for him as he thought.


    This was the first time he had ringed Zhang Xingzhi’ s doorbell.


    The door opened quickly, but Zhang Xingzhi wasn’t there.


    As Zhong Yi was sensitive, he noticed that Zhang Xingzhi’ s mood did not seem to be as relaxed as his did. On the other hand, he felt that he had been busy and nervous in the past two days. Maybe Zhang Xingzhi was cooking.


    Zhong Yi entered through the door and the corridor lights were all off, it was dark, and indifferent it seemed as if he was not as if he was preparing for a visitor tonight.


    Zhong Yi went upstairs and turned on the lights all the way, from the lobby to the escalator and while he was passing by the dining room on the second floor it was empty and full of darkness.


    The closer Zhong Yi got to Zhang Xingzhi’ s bedroom, the stronger a certain premonition is in his heart got.


      According to the routine, it was not impossible for Zhang Xingzhi to surprise him by creating a special contrast.


    Don't look at Zhong Yi for teasing that Zhang Xingzhi’ s house was too big house that he could walk for 20 minutes, but it was not exaggerated. Zhong Yi always mentioned that I hope this person can keep the charger at hand next time.


    This time Zhong Yi walked by himself. In fact, it only took five or six minutes.


    Zhang Xingzhi was there when he finally opened the door of the man's bedroom.


    The room was very dark, and only a working projector shined on the wall.


    Unexpectedly, Zhang Xingzhi was sitting cross-legged on the bed. Even if he came, his eyes were on the projector for a moment, without even giving him a look from the corner of his eye.


    Zhong Yi looked at the content being projected on the wall and laughed. Is this a new way to escape?


    If want to pretend to be cool, at least try to change the nude photos of the carousel to someone else. All of them were private photos taken by Zhang Xingzhi back to his hometown at the time.


    Zhong Yi walked on the carpet wearing slippers and had a low voice. He bent down and climbed into Zhang Xingzhi’ s bed, sitting next to him looking at the pictures with emotion: "You're really good at taking portraits."


        Zhong Yi was not a professional, but in his understanding, the quality of the portrait was very much influenced by the conditions of the model itself, floating or not beautiful is not something that the photographer can choose, so to capture the characteristics of each person is the most important thing.



    Zhang Xingzhi depicted his lines very well, especially the brow bone and mountain root all the way to the nose bridge. He showed his laziness, and he liked it very much.


    After these photos were taken, Zhong Yi didn't have time to take a look. There were hot springs and beds, and it seemed like it happened yesterday.


"You look like this when I'm not here?" Zhong Yi teased.


    Zhang Xingzhi gave the first reaction after seeing him today, and nodded, "I will watch every night."


    Zhong Yi raised an eyebrow, leaned sideways against Zhang Xingzhi, and chuckled in his ear: "It's true, why am I not convinced?"


    Zhang Xingzhi: "Really."


    "Then I'm here now, why do you still look at them? Aren't real people better looking?" Zhong Yi said as he stretched his hand to loosen the knot on Zhang Xingzhi’ s sweatpants, and said, "I was going to eat first, but it turns out that you didn't seem to prepare dinner for me, and ate by yourself?? "


    Zhang Xingzhi then turned his head to look at him, without saying a word, the calmness in those eyes made Zhong Yi stop.


If it were usual, Zhang Xingzhi would have moved with a slight signal, which would have required him to take the initiative to this point, and the response was still such....


    "What's wrong." Zhong Yi felt that all his hopes had been quenched at this moment, especially when he discovered that the man in front of him was staggering his eyes and was lowering his gaze, the burden on his chest resurfaced.


    "I want to talk to you." saying that, Zhang Xingzhi then took Zhong Yi's hand and put it on his face, and mumbled: "About the two of us."


    Zhong Yi choked, his chest tightened, "...why do they all like to talk to me now."


    Zhang Xingzhi was, and so was Yu Jin.


    But obviously, he could refuse Yu Jin, but Zhang Xingzhi he could not.


    "Do you have to talk now?" As he said, Zhong Yi's stiff waist softened a little, and his voice was full of fatigue. "Can't you wait until everything is over before you think about it ..."


    It wasn't that he couldn't guess what Zhang Xingzhi wanted to talk about.


    But this time, Zhang Xingzhi, who always said "OK", raised his objection and kissed Zhong Yi's palm and said, "Sorry ... I can't wait ..."


I'm too afraid of waiting until that time and then you'll run away.

                                  👈                      👉  


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